No, I have not been a fan of Christmas since I reached the age of fourteen. That was round the time I developed a brain, and began to form my own opinions and reach conclusions based upon my own observations. But anyway, here are a few reasons to support my feelings as to why Christmas is my least favourite time of the year:
Statistically, it is the time of year when families get together and argue the most, and when the most suicides occur. The pressure to 'have a good time', and 'be with the ones who you love' are often more than we can live up to. Often, the people with whom you would most like to be with, you can't because of the familial obligation. I myself was stung by that sorrow - my dearest husband (facebook, that is) was shackled to his family, and I to mine.
Christmas carols are probably the most hideous sounds ever to be labeled music - including Mahler (sorry, that was a nerdy music joke). Listening to the banal tunes piped through every single store in existence beginning in October makes me want to top myself, if I'm being gentle. I don't know what it is about Christmas music, but the tunes are always, So. Bad.
Because there are so many people at the gatherings, I find myself disappointed with the food - so many people create the pressure to provide for everyone, so the food is of a lesser quality. And then there is also my personal trap of falling into trying the potato salad. One lady who comes to Christmas always brings a potato salad, and I always try it, thinking that it will be good this year, and I always end up with a mouthful of unsatisfactory potato salad.
Christmas is the idea of taking a religious festival and turning it into some corporate money-making scheme. I love presents as much as the next person,but unless I get damn good presents, I feel like somebody has wasted their money giving me a gift because 'that's what you do on christmas'.When I ask 'why?', the response is simply 'because that's the tradition'. Oh, and in the search to get other people good presents, I inevitably send myself broke. Damn.
Rest assured, there are more reasons, but I'm going to go and find myself a piece of satisfying chocolate. That's what I want for Christmas. Oh, and world peace, and another trip to Bali, and somebody with whom I can happily spend the rest of my life.
And to all a good night.