For a while now, I've had a certain hankering for bubble gum. But not any bubble gum, the gum that I used to adore chewing as a child - hubba bubba, despite my mother's gloom-laden prophecy that it would rot my teeth (actually I've only ever had one filling so take that, mother!). So imagine my excitement and surprise when I discovered sticks of the very same gum for 99 cents in my local supermarket. I bought a stick immediately.
So I excitedly opened the packet and put some in my mouth. Oh the deliciousness, oh the wonder, oh the grape flavour! I chewed until my jaw muscles ached, and then blew bubbles. They were amazing bubbles, in case you were wondering.
But then I as I chewed, I remembered that the gum didn't hold its flavour for long, that after about 15 minutes (less in fact), you were left simply chewing rubber, without taste.
I must admit, I was somewhat disenchanted to remember this.
I guess the moral of this story is that you can never return to your childhood, never re-create those things that in your memory, are perfect, sugar-filled moments of flavoury goodness.
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