Thursday, September 23, 2010

So I've sunk this low, and other introductory matters

So this is what is has come to. At 9.59pm on a Thursday night - the Thursday before I go away for a couple of days, might I add, in the depths of my loneliness and desperation to avoid schoolwork, I have started a blog.
It is also probably no coincidence that I have started a blog as I come up to my final exams (dear God help me). 

So tonight, I think I shall address three points, no more, no less (this is a debating trick I'm trying to learn for semi-finals, so I do apologise if it seems a touch pretentious). The first, why blog? The second, the title, and the the third...well I'm not quite sure, but I'm sure I'll find a third point (if you're interested, this is generally how I get up with my points as well...hence why I need to learn the technique). 

So, why blog? Well, I guess what was preying on my mind tonight was an accusation I'm fairly certain was leveled at me, albeit indirectly (facebook status if you must know...I'm sure I'll get to my view of facebook, which I fully understand if you choose to skip over it in another post). I thought to myself 'hey, starting a blog would be a great way to present my roundabout response to this'. And then I thought to myself 'don't be a wanker'.  So why did I go ahead with it? Somewhere in some dark corner of my mind there was probably the vague hope that my fascinating, insightful, and masterfully written blog would be an internet sensation, and I would make an obscene amount of money out of it. Don't worry, I realise this will never happen...I think. Possibly my other reason was that I could do something other than study, which certainly would be welcomed, because the only other thing I have done, is music, oh, and watch ridiculous amounts of television, some highly intellectual (Mad Men), some quite trashy (Vampire Diaries, how I love it).

Secondly, why the title I hear you ask. Ok, I don't, and you probably never will, but I'm going to pretend it crossed your mind, and answer your question. I have been playing music since I was the tender age of three (and what a gorgeous three year old I was, everything went downhill from there). It has always been a part of my life, and several things have recently happened to me in a musical sense, that have made me realise what a huge part of my life it is. I decided to audition for Opera Victoria in November, a snap decision after singing (and, oh joy, being paid for it) for someone to. Singing is something that comes so naturally to me that I think I take it for granted, so perhaps it is an avenue I should explore. But I digress. Aside from singing and violin, there is the piano, to which I have returned since I started hard-core (or medium-core really) study, finding it a place all of my own to go to escape the world of academia. On top of this, I have noticed increasingly the way I tend to analyse music to which I am listening. Therefore, the only conclusion I can come nerd. I know all the terms, I have perfect relative pitch (not that I'm bragging), and while I am the first to admit that there are many, many people who are far more advanced in music than I, I know a lot. 

Ok I don't have a third point, and I just realised this is probably longer than necessary (and what you are willing to read). So I think I shall simply make my third point this: I know some truly incredible people. I don't see any of them nearly often enough, and I truly regret this, as within all of them are qualities I admire so deeply. I shan't name names (and I refuse to use codenames in this blog), but I like to think that they know who they are. If you aren't sure, ask me, although be warned, I shall be brutally honest (sorry if you don't rank :P). These are the people who have touched my life, and who I don't tell enough (sometimes because I don't think they could handle the emotional intensity that accompanies this - you know who I'm talking about) how special they are, how much they mean to me, or how utterly screwed I'd be without them. So if you are reading this, and you know you rank among them, thank you. 

So on that rather emotionally charged note, I shall finish writing, mess around with the blog template some more, and then prepare myself for a few days away...with the bigass stack of study that I have packed. My life is so awesome right now. Thank you for bearing through this first post, I promise to make subsequent ones shorter (or if the same length, completely enthralling). Get ready for some exciting posting upon my return, about the amount of study I got done. You know it will rock your world. 

Here ends the reading.

1 comment:

  1. Why right-justified italics? :P
    And perfect relative pitch; I'm jealous. I've could give you some piano and television recommendations, too.
