Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Musings on a playlist

I've done something like 4 essays today. I'm quietly proud of myself - don't ask me what they were because that makes it less impressive. 

Just to quickly clear something up - my nickname for Canard comes from a discussion we had about insults in french, and the fact that the french for 'duck' I mistook to be a truly filthy french insult. So now I call her that all the time. 

Well dear reader, I'm going to try something a bit different today. 
To escape from the mundane nature of schoolwork, I've put on some music (for now the Red Hot Chili Peppers), and I'm going to engage in a creative exercise. Again, I completely understand if you decide this is not worth reading. I'll write something more interesting soon, I promise. 

I'm going to call this experiment, 'the evocation of sound'. Links are duly attached if you are interested (stress free blog-reading with attached soundtrack, I'm so good to you guys).

So what does 'Californication 'make me think of? 
-the destruction of purity and innocence by the corporation's desire to make money off it. 
-the attraction of some to the mass-market deconstruction of a personality simply into an icon, and the accompanying petrification at the concept of aging
-*guitar solo is simply awesome*
-it conjures up the image of the setting sun for me actually, don't ask me why
-globilisation and the fact that perhaps its not always a good thing

'Beat It' - Michael Jackson
-moving on....

'Islands' the XX
I said to a friend (who is awesome and who actually introduced me into them) that whenever I listen to the XX, I always simply visualise a room full of apathetic people simply shuffling in time to a beat. That being said they touch something within me (in a non-sexual assault way). 
-the idea of two people finding something within each other that makes them feel connected. I'm possibly getting this from the title, which makes me think of Hugh Grant in 'About a Boy', talking about the idea that no man is an island. 

'Someone Saved my Life Tonight' Elton John
This is actually one of my favourite songs. It's quite beautiful. 
-a story on two levels, a toxic love affair, and the entrapment of an individual within the corporate world, and the loss of self that accompanies both of these things, and the rediscovery of the self, and subsequent escape
(Although this view is possibly tempered by the fact that I happen to know it is about his suicide attempt where he turned the gas on on his stove, and left the windows open)

'No Mountain' The Cat Empire
One of the few love songs that the Cat Empire has written. 
-the improbability of finding someone, and the evocation of that feeling, the utter giving up of yourself to someone 'there is no option anymore, alone with you'. There's almost an understanding that there is inperpetuation (yeah I just made that word up) within the relationship, yet the desire to still pursue it. 

Anyway, that's it from me. Except I'll leave you with my favourite song of all time - also by the Cat Empire. It's called 'Lullaby'. It will always cheer me up (assuming I put it on). This interpretation is up to you. 

If you chose to click the links, I hope you enjoyed listening. 

I'll leave you with a quote (I seriously love quotes), again from the Cat Empire. 

'music is the language of us all'

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