Saturday, October 30, 2010

babies; the scarier STI

Yesterday I went over to my neighbour's house. To meet their new baby. She let me hold it.
I kid you not, it was actually the scariest thing I have ever done in my entire life. Babies terrify me.

I used to say that one of the things I feared most was herpes. Not anymore.  Number one on my list right now, is babies. Following this was a conversation with my friend, where we decided that yes, babies were indeed the scariest STI (or STD as I still call them), because for herpes, you can take medication to control the itchy burning flare-ups, but once you have a baby, there is no medication that makes it go away (and if there is that's infanticide and highly illegal).

So what is it about babies that scares me so?
Let us examine, they are small, highly breakable, completely dependent (dear god no!!!), and they stare at you. Oh, let us not forget the crying, which becomes like some form of sick mystery game where you have to figure out what the reason is for crying, be it hunger, fatigue, or the dreaded possibility of you holding them wrong and causing them pain.
Perhaps it is also the fear that as a female, I am the one who would carry the thing for 9 months (watching what I eat, how I walk, how I sit, what I inhale so as not to harm bubs), and then going through the delightful experience of birth. This follows hot on the heels of me doing some bio study and seeing a rather graphic picture of birth - to my mind not a necessary inclusion in my bio textbook, but thank you biozone for giving me more reasons not to get pregnant. Ever.

However, to amuse myself, I will often play a little game where I imagine what psychological torments I could inflict upon my children. It's quite a fun game. You should try it. It has often given me many times of fun distraction, imagining up the disturbed psyche of my hypothetical child would be.

Anyway, that's all from me.

On a slightly unrelated note, I find this hilarious, and a strangely good song. But we shouldn't make fun of rape. It's a serious thing.

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