Saturday, January 29, 2011

Why a girl's best friend is...well, her best friend.

I was talking to mother tonight as we went for our walk (to promote lessening of body mass) about friends. Then I came home and thought it was high time I considered the things I have learned from my friends.

Number one: If your friend/s do not take a shine to somebody, there is a good reason for this. Listen. Learn. These people are your friends for a reason. If they don't like somebody, it's inevitably because I've managed to miss something. I like to think that I can pick up the subtle signals that somebody is a raving psychopath, but my own bias tends to often colour my view (well, more like occasionally seeing as I'm obviously perfect most of the time...riiiiight), so that I stop myself from seeing certain unfavourable characteristics in a person (eg, those of a psychopath, although thankfully I haven't actually encountered any of those...yet).

Number 2: When your friend/facebook husband says to you "what subjects are you going to do for uni, I'd like to timetable for you", you bloody well jump at that offer. My fb husband is a wonderful, wonderful person who has the organisational skills of a vulcan (heyo, Stark Trek reference), and is able to navigate the university bureaucracy with a skill that is unmatched by any living human. This is particularly helpful when timetabling and subject selection is an absolute bitch. Didn't I feel pretty impressive when I went to the advice day and heard people all around me bitching about what subjects they wanted to do and the difficulties of timetabling. Although less organisationally satisfying were his words of "I expect this enthusiasm to dissipate somewhere between second semester and second year". They're probably true though.

Number three: Sometimes, your friends know you better than you know yourself. It can range from when you're talking to them at 9.30pm, the night before your final biology exam and you say "I'll just read over my notes once more before I go to bed", to which the response is simply "Princess...". It can be simply a "You know you want to sleep with him, don't deny it", or even one look at you when you say hello to them for them to ask "What's wrong?" and you didn't even realise something was wrong in the first place.

That being said, there are those times when your friends aren't right (see how I euphemistically said 'aren't righht', instead of 'downright wrong'?). There are cases when you do know best goddamnit! And even when you actually know better rather than being stubborn, which is what I am guilty of (there! I admitted it!! happy?). 

One thing I do know though, is that my friends will always have my back. 


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