Monday, February 28, 2011

We Need More Vigilantes

I managed to become sick in time for the first day of Uni. Oh karma, you utter bitch! However, because obviously I did not create this disgusting icky thing which is currently assailing my immune system, I began to search for the culprit who had transmitted this thing to me. 
And I found him.
As I was on the bus to O-Week a few days ago, I heard an almighty sneeze. I glanced up, and noticed that the man (he 'aint no gentleman) hadn't moved. This meant he either had ninja-like arms with which to considerately cover his face, or HE DIDN'T. My worst suspicions were confirmed a couple of minutes later, when he sneezed again, and made no movement to cover his mouth. 

As a minor germophobe, I felt his airborne germs sailing through the bus to land on me, and I was powerless to stop them. 

I regret not leaning over to this inconsiderate cretin, and saying to him 'Excuse me, but that is disgusting, and unhygenic, and I can't believe you would actually be so inconsiderate.' This got me to thinking that perhaps our society needs more vigilantes, the batman of common decency if you will, but more than one - a legion even. 

I don't know about you dear reader, but having someone next to me, coughing or sneezing their germs into the very air which I am about to inhale is one of the things in life which is simply terrible, and it is a veritable scourge upon our society. It must be stopped damnit!
Sneezing openly today is a breakdown of courtesy and etiquette, and if we don't say no, tell the world that we don't accept it, it will of course, lead to a breakdown in the order of our very society and ultimately to chaos!

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